姓 名: 殷文
学 历: 博士
职 称: 副教授
所在系别: 作物生产系
联系电话: 0931-7631145
2012/09-2017/06,甘肃农业大学,作物栽培学与耕作学,博士,导师:柴强 教授
2008/09-2012/06,甘肃农业大学,作物栽培学与耕作学,本科,导师:柴强 教授
2019/12 - 至今, 甘肃农业大学农学院,副教授
目前,担任journal of cleaner production; field crops research; european journal of agronomy; agricultural water management; journal of environmental management; frontiers in plant science; crop science; 中国农业科学;应用生态学报;中国生态农业学报;干旱地区农业研究;甘肃农业大学学报等期刊审稿人。
1. 国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目,秸秆地膜带状覆盖延缓间作小麦玉米根冠衰老的光合生理及分子机制(32101515),2022.01-2024.12,在研,主持
2. 甘肃省高等学校科研项目,绿洲灌区农田作物秸秆腐解特性及微生物作用机制(2021b-134),2021.07-2023.07,在研,主持
3. 甘肃省科学技术协会青年人才托举工程项目,秸秆与绿肥还田对绿洲农田土壤有机碳累积的触发机制(2020-12),2020.11-2023.10,在研,主持
4. 甘肃省自然科学基金,保护性耕作对间作农田土壤有机碳累积及稳定性的影响(20jr5ra025),2020.11-2022.10,在研,主持
5. 中央引导地方科技发展专项基金,大田玉米高品质关键生产技术及调控机理研究(zcyd-2020-1-4),在研,主持
6. 甘肃省高等学校科研项目,秸秆与绿肥还田对绿洲农田土壤有机碳累积的触发机制(2020b-126),2020.07-2022.07,在研,主持
7. 甘肃农业大学伏羲青年英才培育项目,绿洲农田高效种植模式减投减排增效生产机制研究(gaufx-03y10),2020.07-2025.07,在研,主持
8. 甘肃省干旱生境作物学重点实验室开放基金,间作群体根冠衰老响应保护性耕作措施的生理生态机制(gscs-2019-03),2019.09-2022.09,在研,主持
9. 作物学科建设专项基金,保护性耕作对间作小麦玉米土壤有机碳积累与稳定性的影响及机制(gau-xkjs-2018-088),2018.01-2020.12,结题,主持
10. 甘肃农业大学引进人才专项基金,秸秆地膜带状覆盖间作小麦玉米水分高效利用的种间作用机理(2017rczx-02),2018.01-2020.12,结题,主持
六、代表性论著 (第一作者sci文章)
[1] wen yin, qiang chai*, yao guo, hong fan, zhilong fan, falong hu, cai zhao, aizhong yu. the physiological and ecological traits of strip management with straw and plastic film to increase grain yield of intercropping wheat and maize in arid conditions [j]. field crops research, 2021, 271: 108242.
[2] wen yin, qiang chai*, yao guo, hong fan, zhilong fan, falong hu, cai zhao, aizhong yu, jeffrey a. coulter. no tillage with plastic re-mulching maintains high maize productivity via regulating hydrothermal effects in an arid region [j]. frontiers in plant science, 2021, 12: 649684.
[3] wen yin, qiang chai*, cai zhao, aizhong yu, zhilong fan, falong hu, hong fan, yao guo, jeffrey a. coulter. water utilization in intercropping: a review [j]. agricultural water management, 2020, 241: 106335.
[4] wen yin, qiang chai*, yao guo, zhilong fan, falong hu, hong fan, cai zhao, aizhong yu. straw and plastic management regulate air-soil temperature amplitude and wetting-drying alternation in soil to promote intercrop productivity in arid regions[j]. field crops research, 2020, 250: 107758.
[5] wen yin, aizhong yu, yao guo, hong fan, falong hu, zhilong fan, cai zhao, qiang chai*. growth trajectories of wheat/maize intercropping with straw and plastic management in arid conditions[j]. agronomy journal, 2020, 112: 2777-2790.
[6] wen yin, zhilong fan, falong hu, hong fan, aizhong yu, cai zhao, qiang chai*. straw and plastic mulching enhances crop productivity via optimizing interspecific interactions of wheat–maize intercropping in arid areas[j]. crop science, 2019, 59: 2201-2213.
[7] wen yin, zhilong fan, falong hu, aizhong yu, cai zhao, qiang chai*, jeffrey a coulter. innovation in alternate mulch with straw and plastic management bolsters yield and water use efficiency in wheat-maize intercropping in arid conditions[j]. scientific reports, 2019, 9: 6364.
[8] wen yin, aizhong yu, yao guo, yifan wang, cai zhao, zhilong fan, falong hu, qiang chai*. straw retention and plastic mulching enhance water use via synergistic regulation of water competition and compensation in wheat-maize intercropping systems[j]. field crops research, 2018, 229: 78-94.
[9] wen yin, yao guo, falong hu, zhilong fan, fuxue feng, cai zhao, aizhong yu, qiang chai*. wheat-maize intercropping with reduced tillage and straw retention: a step towards enhancing economic and environmental benefits in arid areas[j]. frontiers in plant science, 2018, 9: 1328.
[10] wen yin, qiang chai*, yao guo, fuxue feng, cai zhao, aizhong yu, chang liu, zhilong fan, falong hu, guodong chen. reducing carbon emissions and enhancing crop productivity through strip intercropping with improved agricultural practices in an arid area[j]. journal of cleaner production, 2017, 166: 197-208.
[11] wen yin, cai zhao, qiang chai*, yao guo, fuxue feng, aizhong yu. effects of previous wheat straw on the yield of maize in the oasis irrigation region[j]. crop science, 2017, 57: 3217-3226.
[12] wen yin, guiping chen, fuxue feng, yao guo, falong hu, guodong chen, cai zhao, aizhong yu, qiang chai*. straw retention combined with plastic mulching improves compensation of intercropped maize in arid environment[j]. field crops research, 2017, 204: 42-51.
[13] wen yin, fuxue feng, cai zhao, aizhong yu, falong hu, qiang chai*, yantai gan. integrated double- mulching practices optimizes soil temperature and improves soil water utilization in arid environments[j]. international journal of biometeorology, 2016, 60: 1423-1437.
[14] wen yin, qiang chai*, yao guo, fuxue feng, cai zhao, aizhong yu, falong hu. analysis of leaf area index dynamic and grain yield components of intercropped wheat and maize under straw mulch combined with reduced tillage in arid environments[j]. journal of agricultural science, 2016, 8(4): 26-42.
[15] wen yin, aizhong yu, qiang chai*, falong hu, fuxue feng, yantai gan. wheat and maize relay-planting with straw covering increases water use efficiency up to 46%[j]. agronomy for sustainable development, 2015, 35: 815-825.
1. 甘肃农业大学优秀创新创业指导老师
2. 甘肃农业大学优秀本科生指导老师
3. 甘肃农业大学优秀教案提名奖获得者
4. 甘肃农业大学优秀共产党员
5. 甘肃农业大学优秀班主任
1. 小麦秸秆还田方式对轮作玉米干物质累积分配及产量的影响. 中国精品科技期刊顶尖学术论文, 领跑者5000, 2020.
2. 秸秆地膜交替带状覆盖小麦间作玉米的水分竞争互补利用机制. 甘肃省优秀博士学位论文, 2017.
3. 禾豆间作消减豆科作物氮阻遏的作用机制. 甘肃省教育厅二等奖,2017.
4. 间作套种提高水分利用效率的种间作用机理. 甘肃省教育厅二等奖,2016.
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